Prince Township By-Law Archives
2017 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2017-01 Authorizing the borrowing of money to meet expenditures
- 2017-02 For tax ratios establishment
- 2017-03 To name members and council to various committees and as Acting Mayor
- 2017-04 Confirmatory By-Law for January 17 2017
- 2017-05 To enter an agreement with Algoma University Foundation
- 2017-06 Confirmatory By-Law for February 14, 2017
- 2017-07 To enter an agreement with Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- 2017-08 To enter an agreement with NOHFC
- 2017-09 Confirmatory By-Law for February 28 & March 14, 2017
- 2017-10 to adopt an emergency management program and emergency response plan
- 2017-11 to confirm proceedings of the meeting of Council, April 11, 2017
- 2017-12 to adopt a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder policy for the Township of Prince (2)
- 2017-13 To set and levy tax rates and to provide for penalty and interest in default
- 2017-14 Authorizing the agreement between Social Service Department and Prince Parent Child Centre
- 2017-15 Confirmatory By-Law for May 1 & May 9, 2017
- 2017-16 Authorizing the agreement between Prince Township and Trimount Construction
- 2017-17 Authorizing the agreement between Prince Township and MSO construction
- 2017-18 to confirm proceedings of the meeting of Council, May 25, June 1 & June 13 2017
- 2017-19 Authorizing the agreement between Prince Township and WMG
- 2017-20 Authorizing the agreement between Prince Township and 786222 Ontario Inc
- 2017-21 Confirmatory By-Law of the meeting of council, July 7, & July 11, 2017
- 2017-22-To amend by-law 2015-35, HR Manual to input the Workplace Anti-Violence & Sexual Harassment Policy to comply with the Ontario Health & Safety Act
- 2017-23 To amend by-law 2016-40, being an agreement between Prince Township & City of SSM, regarding services in the event of an emergency
- 2017-24 Confirmatory By-Law of the meeting of council, July 18, 2017 & August 8, 2017
- 2017-25 Authorizing the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer to amend By-law 2017-14, Service agreement between DSSAB & Parent Child Resource
- 2017-26 Authorizing the partnership agreement between TCT Ontario & Prince Township- Time Capsule
- 2017-27 Confirmatory By-Law for the meeting September 12, 2017
- 2017-28 Confirmatory By-Law for the meeting October 10, 2017
- 2017-29 Authorizing the agreement between Prince Township & City of SSM for the delivery of technical services
- 2017-30 Confirmatory By-Law for November 14, 2017
- 2017-31-To establish a municipal heritage committee or museum board and provide for the appointment of members
- 2017-32-official plan amendment no. 14 to the Prince Township official plan
- 2017-33-a by-law to amend the Township of Prince zoning by-law 2015-19 with respect to Second unit
- 2017-34 Confirmatory By-Law of the meeting of council November 28, & December 12, 2017
2016 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2016-01 Authorizing the borrowing of money
- 2016-02 To Regulate Volunteer Fire Department
- 2016-03 Confirmatory for January 12
- 2016-04 To regulate volunteer fire permits
- 2016-05 To establish a Municipal Heritage Committee
- 2016-06 To name members of Council to various Committees and as Acting Mayor
- 2016-07 Confirmatory for February 09 2016
- 2016-08 Agreement
- 2016-09 Confirmatory By-Law for February 23, 2016 and March 8, 2016
- 2016-10 Penalty interest rate of 1.25 per cent
- 2016-11 Tax ratios for the municipality
- 2016-12 Payment of various fees and charges
- 2016-13 Agreement with Lake Superior Watershed
- 2016-14 To amend By-Law 2013-04 (Open Air Burning)
- 2016-15 Confirmatory By-Law for March 29, 2016 and April 12, 2016
- 2016-16 To amend zoning By-law 2015-19 (Defeated)
- 2016-17 (Defeated) to adopt amendment no 12 to the Official Plan
- 2016-18 Confirmatory By-Law for May 10, 2016
- 2016-19 to prescribe a maximum rate speed on various municipal roads
- 2016-20 to adopt amendment no 12 to the official plan
- 2016-21 To amend zoning by law 2015-19
- 2016-22 To set and levy tax rates and provide penalty and interest in default of payment
- 2016-23 To enter an agreement with Public Sector Digest
- 2016-24 To enter an agreement with PUC
- 2016-25 By-law with respect to the health, safety, and well being of persons
- 2016-26 Confirmatory By law for June 6 and 7, 2016
- 2016-27 To enter an agreement with PUC for the replacement of existing streetlights LED
- 2016-28 Confirmatory By law for July 12, 2016
- 2016-29 Authorizing the agreement with the Superior Propane
- 2016-30 Confirmatory By-Law for August 9, 2016
- 2016-31 Authorizing the agreement with the Superior Digital Solutions
- 2016-32 Amendment to open air burning By-Law 2016-14
- 2016-33 Confirmatory By-Law for September 13, 2016
- 2016-34 Authorizing the agreement with the Province of Ontario
- 2016-35 to adopt a revision to the Human Resources Policy
- 2016-36 Confirmatory By-Law for October 11, 2016
- 2016-37 Authorizing the agreement with NOHFC
- 2016-38 Confirmatory By-Law for November 8, 2016
- 2016-39 Authorizing the agreement between the municipality and Archibald Bros. Ltd
- 2016-40 Authorizing the agreement regarding services in the event of an emergency
- 2016-41 Confirmatory By-Law for December 13, 2016
2015 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2015-02 Appoint Council to Boards and Committees
- 2015-03 Tax Ratios
- 2015-04 Tax Levy and Interest Rates for 2015
- 2015-05 To amend Zoning by-law 77-7 (between 2842 & 2788 Second Line West)
- 2015-06 Confirmatory January 13 2015
- 2015-07 To Amend By-Law 2013-24; To prohibit attracting dangerous wildlife
- 2015-08 Change Head of Council's title (Deferred)
- 2015-08 Change Head of Council's title (Passed)
- 2015-09 Confirmatory February 10 2015
- 2015-10 Inter-Municipal Agreement regarding Provincial Offences Act
- 2015-11 Agreement with Superior Propane
- 2015-12 Agreement with District of S.S.M. Social Services Admin Board for Prince Twp Parent-Child Centre
- 2015-13 Emergency Plan (Updated 2015)
- 2015-14 Confirmatory March 17 2015
- 2015-15 Agreement with Childcare Algoma and Prince Parent-Child Resource Centre
- 2015-16 Establish Base Line as a street and assume for public use
- 2015-17 Confirmatory for April 9 & April 14 2015
- 2015-18 Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 10
- 2015-19 Zoning By-Law (3rd Reading)
- 2015-19 Zoning By-Law with Amendments from First and Second Readings
- 2015-20 Confirmatory May 12 2015
- 2015-21 Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 11
- 2015-22 Appoint a Road Labourer
- 2015-23 Set and Levy Tax Rates for 2015
- 2015-24 Confirmatory June 4 and 9 2015
- 2015-25 Off Road Vehicles on Municipal Roads
- 2015-26 Confirmatory July 14 2015
- 2015-28 Confirmatory August 11 2015
- 2015-29 By-Law for the sale of Real Property
- 2015-30 Confirmatory September 08 2015
- 2015-31 Confirmatory September 15 and October 13 2015
- 2015-32 Agreement with CGIS
- 2015-33 Confirmatory for November 10 2015
- 2015-35 Full Human Resource Policy Manual
- 2015-35 Revised Human Resource Policy Manual
- 2015-36 Confirmatory December 08 2015
2014 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2014-03 Borrowing
- 2014-04 Interim Tax Levy
- 2014-05 Tax Ratios
- 2014-06 OP Amendment No. 2
- 2014-07 Emergency Response Plan (Updated 2014)
- 2014-10 Agreement with S.S.M. Social Services Admin Board, Parent-Child
- 2014-11 Agreement with S.S.M. regarding bridge construction
- 2014-12 Confirmatory February 11 2014
- 2014-14 Agreement with S.S.M. regarding Police Services
- 2014-15 Confirmatory March 11 2014
- 2014-16 Confirmatory March 25 2014
- 2014-18 Agreement with RDL Engineering Services
- 2014-19 April 8 2014 Confirmatory
- 2014-20 Procedural By-law
- 2014-22 Agreement with Association of Municipalities of Ontario
- 2014-24 Confirmatory May 6 2014
- 2014-25 Confirmatory June 4 2014
- 2014-26 Agreement with AMO for Gas Tax Funds
- 2014-27 Installation of Culverts
- 2014-28 Appoint Animal Control Officer
- 2014-29 Final Tax and Levy
- 2014-30 Confirmatory June 10 2014
- 2014-32 Election Signs Policy
- 2014-33 Amend 77-7 regarding Section 34 RP 1R11992 Base Line (now 2670 & 2686)
- 2014-34 Confirmatory July 8 2014
- 2014-35 Official Plan Amendment No. 8 (Walls Road)
- 2014-36 Confirmatory August 12 2014
- 2014-37 Advance Votes October 18 2014
- 2014-38 Regulate the burning of certain materials (1st & 2nd Readings)
- 2014-38 Regulate the burning of certain materials (3rd Reading)
- 2014-39 Add Schedule 'B' to By-Law 2014-35
- 2014-40 Appoint Alternate By-Law Enforcement Officer
- 2014-41 Confirmatory August 26 & September 9 2014
- 2014-43 Temporary Closing of Municipal Bridges Nos. 12, 13, 14 & 15
- 2014-44 Prohibit Attracting Dangerous Wildlife Amended
- 2014-45 Agreement with S.S.M. for Building Services
- 2014-46 Appoint Chief Building Officer for Prince Township
- 2014-47 Confirmatory October 14 2014
- 2014-49 Confirmatory November 4 2014
- 2014-52 Cheque Signing Authority
- 2014-53 Agreement with Waste Management
- 2014-55 Confirmatory December 9 2014
2013 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2013-01 Borrowing of Money By-Law
- 2013-02 Interim tax levy penalty and interest
- 2013-04 Amend Open Air Burning
- 2013-05 Confirmatory
- 2013-06 Agreement with Child Care Algoma
- 2013-07 Regulate the parking of vehicles
- 2013-09 Confirmatory
- 2013-10 Update User fees
- 2013-11 Strategic Plan
- 2013-12 Confirmatory
- 2013-13 Amend User Fees by-law
- 2013-14 Parent Child Resource Centre agreement
- 2013-15 Appointments to Internal Boards and Committees
- 2013-16 Appointments to External Boards and Committees
- 2013-17 Confirmatory by-law
- 2013-18 Child Care Algoma Agreement
- 2013-19 Tax Ratios
- 2013-20 Confirmatory
- 2013-21 Set and levy taxes
- 2013-22 Adopt Accessibility Plan
- 2013-23 Confirmatory
- 2013-24 prohibit attracting dangerous wildlife
- 2013-26 set and levy taxes
- 2013-27 AP Wireless
- 2013-28 Confirmatory
- 2013-28 confirmatory
- 2013-29 Confirmatory
- 2013-29 confirmatory
- 2013-30 New Culvert By-Law
- 2013-31 Confirmatory
- 2013-32 Human Resources Policy Manual
- 2013-32 Human Resources Policy Manual as passed by by-law 2013-32 October 8 2013
- 2013-33 Confirmatory
- 2013-34 Confirmatory
- 2013-37 Adopt Amendment 3 to Official Plan
- 2013-38 Adopt Amendment 4 to Official Plan
- 2013-39 Confirmatory October 22 2013
- 2013-40 Amend 77-7 concerning 2652 Base Line
- 2013-41 Amend 77-7 concerning 2454 Base Line
- 2013-42 Amend 77-7 Gros Cap Bluffs
- 2013-43 Amend 77-7 1519 Hwy 565 (Airport Road)
- 2013-44 Adopt Amendment 5 to Official Plan
- 2013-45 Confirmatory Dec 10 2013
2012 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2012-01 To provide for the appointment for the Office of Councilor
- 2012-02 To provide an interim tax levy and penalty and interest of 1.25%
- 2012-03 To authorize the borrowing of money to meet current expenditures
- 2012-04 To name members of council to various boards and committees
- 2012-05 To appoint a fire chief
- 2012-06 Confirmatory January 17 2012
- 2012-07 Confirmatory January 23 2012
- 2012-08 Confirmatory February 14 2012
- 2012-09 MNR Agreement with Appendices
- 2012-10 Confirmatory March 13 2012
- 2012-11 Amend by-law 2011-6 (Open-Air Burning)
- 2012-12 Confirmatory April 10 2012
- 2012-13 Agreement between DSSAB & Parent Child Resource
- 2012-14 Volunteer Fire Dept
- 2012-15 Regulate Council proceedings
- 2012-16 Confirmatory April 24 2012
- 2012-17 Minutes of Settlement
- 2012-18 Confirmatory May 8 2012
- 2012-19 Adopt Amendment 1 to the Official Plan
- 2012-20 Cemetery By-Law
- 2012-21 Confirmatory June 12 2012
- 2012-22 Tax ratios
- 2012-23 Tax rates and penalty
- 2012-24 Property Classes
- 2012-25 Confirmatory July 10 2012
- 2012-26 Appoint By-Law officer
- 2012-27 Confirmatory August 21 2012
- 2012-28 ATV by-law
- 2012-29 Confirmatory September 11 2012
- 2012-30 Amend by-law 2012-20 Operation of Cemeteries
- 2012-31 Set Kilometer rates for the municipality
- 2012-32 Confirmatory October 9 2012
- 2012-33 Appoint Integrity Commissioner
- 2012-34 Confirmatory November 13 2012
- 2012-35 Confirmatory November 27 2012
- 2012-36 Confirmatory December 11 2012
2011 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2011-01 Interim tax levy for tax payment and penalty and interest
- 2011-02 to appoint Chief Administrative Officer. Administrator
- 2011-03 Agreement with SSM Social Services Administrator Board and Prince ParentChild Resource Centre
- 2011-04 Authorize the borrowing of money to meet current expenditures
- 2011-05 Confirmatory April 19 2011
- 2011-06 To provide regulation of open air burning in Prince Twp
- 2011-07 Agreement with SSM concerning refuse
- 2011-08 Agreement with R. Mousseau
- 2011-09 Confirmatory April 26 2011
- 2011-10 Confirmatory May 2 2011
- 2011-11Confirmatory May 10 2011
- 2011-12 Confirmatory May 24 2011
- 2011-13 COMRIF Extension
- 2011-14 Confirmatory June 14 2011
- 2011-15 Confirmatory June 28 2011
- 2011-16 Off Road Vehicles (ORV)
- 2011-17 Confirmatory July 12 2011
- 2011-18 Tax Ratios
- 2011-19 Confirmatory July 19 2011
- 2011-20 Tax Capping 2011
- 2011-21 Final Tax Rates
- 2011-22 Confirmatory August 9 2011
- 2011-23 Confirmatory September 1 2011
- 2011-24 Confirmatory September 13 2011
- 2011-25 Confirmatory September 15 2011
- 2011-26 Agreement with SSM for technical assistance related to the erection of buildings
- 2011-27 Confirmatory September 20 2011
- 2011-28 Minutes of Settlement
- 2011-29 Confirmatory of Emergency meeting of Council
- 2011-30 Minutes of Settlement with Mr. Wayne Sherlock
- 2011-31 Confirmatory September 23 2011
- 2011-32 Confirmatory of proceedings of the meeting of Council, October 11, 2011
- 2011-33 Confirmatory of proceedings of the meeting of Council, October25, 2011
- 2011-34 Confirmatory of proceedings of the meeting of Council, November 8, 2011
- 2011-35 By-law to authorize execution by the Reeve and Administrator of an agreement between the Chapleau Regional Development Corporation and Prince Township as the CAP Site Operator
- 2011-36 Confirmatory of proceedings of the meeting of Council, December 13, 2011
2010 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2010-01 To provide interim tax levy and to provide for payment of taxes and penalty and interest of 1.5%
- 2010-02 To appoint an auditor
- 2010-03 Agreement with Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, Ministry of Agri. Food and Rural Affairs- Infrastructure Stimulus Fund
- 2010-04 Agreement with Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding Gas Tax
- 2010-05 Agreement between the District of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services Administration Board and Prince ParentChild Resources Centre
- 2010-06 Amend Fire Regulating by-law 2009-3
- 2010-07 Agreement with MNR regarding forest fire management
- 2010-08 Appoint Deputy Fire Chief for Volunteer Fire Department
- 2010-09 Establishing Tax Ratios
- 2010-10 To adopt optional tools for the purposes of administering limits for Commercial, Industrial and Multi-Residential Property Classes for the year 2010
- 2010-11 To set levy tax rates, penalties and interest in default of payment for 2010
- 2010-12 To adopt new Official Plan
- 2010-13 To adopt an Integrity Commissioner Policy
- 2010-14 To appoint an Integrity Commissioner
2009 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2009-01 Interim levy for payment of taxes and penalty and interest of 1.5%
- 2009-02 To appoint an Auditor
- 2009-03 To regulate the Volunteer Fire Department
- 2009-04 Transfer of property between the Municipality and Gary & Carol Patterson
- 2009-05 Transfer of property between the Municipality and Gerald Burch
- 2009-06 Agreement between Child Care Algoma and Prince Township Parent-Child Resource Centre
- 2009-07 Agreement between City of Sault Ste. Marie and Prince regarding fire protection service
- 2009-08 Agreement with MNR regarding forest fire protection
- 2009-09 Agreement between the district of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services Administration Board and the Prince Township Parent-Child Resource Centre
- 2009-10 Amending agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural affairs and Prince regarding COMRIF Asset Management Program
- 2009-11 Agreement with SSM regarding Provincial Offences Act transfers
- 2009-12 Lease agreement with Bell Mobility
- 2009-13 Establish Tax Ratios
- 2009-14 To set and levy taxes and penalty and interest
- 2009-15 agreement between Sault Ste. Marie regarding police protection services
- 2009-16 Agreement between Child Care Algoma and Prince Township Parent-Child Resource Centre
- 2009-17 Adopt optional tools for the purposes of administering limits for Commercial, Industrial and Multi-Residential Property Classes for the year 2009
- 2009-18 Agreement between the District of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services Admin Board and the Prince Township Parent Child Resource Centre
- 2009-20 Regulate the proceedings of the council of the Township of Prince
- 2009-21 by-law to adopt an Accessible Customer Service Policy
2008 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2008-01 Adopt a Powers and Duties Policy for Prince Twp
- 2008-02 Appoint an Auditor
- 2008-03 Interim Tax Levy
- 2008-04 Agreement with Childcare Algoma
- 2008-05 To transfer property between the municipality and Gordon and Irene Royal
- 2008-06 Official Plan Amendment - Archibald Bros. (2748 Second Line West)
- 2008-07 Amend 77-7 with respect to property know as 2748 Second Line West (Archibald Bros.)
- 2008-08 Agreement with District of S.S.M. Social Services Administration Board
- 2008-09 Establish Harper Street
- 2008-10 Agreement with North Star Information Systems
- 2008-11 To repeal By-law 2005-24, a by-law to appoint a Clerk-Treasurer Administrator
- 2008-12 Agreement with SSM concerning Fire Protection and Prevention
- 2008-13 To set tax levy ratios
- 2008-14 To set levy tax rates and to further provide for penalty and interest in default of payments
- 2008-15 To authorize agreement with Brianna Coughlin
- 2008-16 To amend 77-7 with respect to property known as 4161 Second Line West
- 2008-18 To appoint Brianna Coughlin to the position of Chief Administrative Officer Administrator
- 2008-19 To appoint Anthony DiGasparro and Fred Rushon as Chief and Deputy Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department
- 2008-20 Repeal by-law 2008-19
- 2008-21 Agreement with S.S.M. for the provision of building inspection service
- 2008-22 To repeal By-law 2001-7 and to appoint Michael Mousseau Fire Chief for the Volunteer Fire Department
2007 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2007-01 To appoint an auditor
- 2007-02 Interim tax levy
- 2007-03 Agreement with S.S.M. concerning waste management
- 2007-04 Encroachment agreement with Walter Parniak
- 2007-05 Encroachment agreement with Richard Mousseau
- 2007-06 Load limits on specific bridges
- 2007-07 Agreement with William Squibb & Associates
- 2007-08 Establishing Tax Ratios
- 2007-09 Intermunicipal service agreement, with S.S.M., with respect to Provincial Offences Act
- 2007-10 To set and levy tax and penalty and interest
- 2007-11 COMRIF Asset Management
- 2007-12 Agreement with the District of S.S.M. Social Services Administration Board
- 2007-13 Agreement with the District of S.S.M. Social Services Administration Board
- 2007-14 Agreement with Calam Ruscio Rossi, Chartered Accountants LLp and Stefanizzi Professional Corporation
- 2007-15 Agreement with Women's Exercise Group
- 2007-17 To Adopt an Accountability and Transparency for the Township of Prince
- 2007-18 To stop up, close and authorize the part of 66' right of way, plan M-142 being part 10, plan IR-11351
2006 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2006-01 To authorize the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues
- 2006-02 To set and levy interim tax and penalty and interest
- 2006-03 To Appoint an Auditor
- 2006-05 Agreement with Parent Child and Child Care Algoma
- 2006-06 To Appoint a Fire Chief
- 2006-07 To repeal by-law 95-5 Sick Leave
- 2006-08 Regarding Accumulated sick leave benefits
- 2006-09 Establishing Tax Ratios
- 2006-10 To set and levy tax rates and penalty and interest
- 2006-11 Requiring an Emergency Management Program
- 2006-12 Agreement with United Systems Technology, Inc (USTI)
- 2006-13 To establish the date and hours for holding of the advanced vote
- 2006-14 Agreement with Child Care Algoma
- 2006-15 Amend 77-7 concerning 640 Walls road
- 2006-16 Agreement with S.S.M. Conservation Authority-Digital Data Sharing
- 2006-17 Amend 77-7 concerning 604 Walls Road
- 2006-18 Amend 77-7 concerning 826 Walls Road
- 2006-19 Agreement with District of S.S.M. Social Services Administration Board
2005 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2005-01 Interim tax levy and penalty and interest
- 2005-02 Appoint an Auditor
- 2005-03 Appoint a By-Law Enforcement Officer
- 2005-04 Agreement with PUC Services
- 2005-05 Agreement with S.S.M. Social Services being 2004 Service Contract for the provission of Pay Equity funding
- 2005-06 Zoning - Interim Control concerning properties in the Shield Zone
- 2005-07 Adopt a Pay Equity Plan
- 2005-08 To amend 77-7 concerning 4569 Second Line West
- 2005-09 Agreement with the District of S.S.M. Social Services Administration Board
- 2005-10 Establishing Tax Ratios
- 2005-11 To set and levy tax rates and to provide penalty and interest
- 2005-12 Lease Agreement with Volunteer Firefighter's Association
- 2005-13 To amend 77-7 concerning 99 Marshall Drive
- 2005-14 To adopt new provincial tools for property tax policy
- 2005-15 To establish fees for Waste Management Services
- 2005-16 Agreement with S.S.M. concerning household special waste facility
- 2005-17 Agreement with ADT Security Services
- 2005-18 To enact an Interim Control By-Law concerning properties in the Shield Zone
- 2005-19 Agreement with S.S.M. Social Services Admin. Board for Child Care Through Parent-Child Resource Center
- 2005-20 Agreement with S.S.M. for Building services (Residential)
- 2005-22 Regulations for operating Hillside Cemetery
- 2005-23 Repeal by-law 93-8 to appoint Clerk-Treasurer Administrator
- 2005-24 To appoint a Clerk-Treasurer Administrator
- 2005-25 Agreement with Ann Mitchell
- 2005-26 Amend by-law 95-5 regarding accumulated sick leave benefits
2004 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2004-01 Appoint an Auditor
- 2004-02 Interim Tax Levy and penalty and interest
- 2004-03 Fees for Waste Management Services
- 2004-04 Agreement with Tele-Focus Consulting
- 2004-05 Agreement with the Province of Ontario for forest fire protection
- 2004-06 Agreement with S.S.M. with respect to composition of the S.S.M. Region Conservation Authority Board
- 2004-08 S.S.M. Social Services for provision of First Response services through the Prince Volunteer Fire Department
- 2004-09 Establish Tax Ratios
- 2004-11 Adopt a Municipal Alcohol Policy
- 2004-12 Amend 77-7 concerning 4565 & 4563R Second Line W
- 2004-13 Agreement with William Squibb & Association
- 2004-14 Agreement with McDougall Fuels
- 2004-15 Agreement S.S.M. Social Services for Child Care Resource Centre services through the Prince Parent-Child Resource Centre
- 2004-16 Agreement with S.S.M. for building services
- 2004-17 Appoint a Chief Building Official
- 2004-18 Establish as a street and assume for public use in the Prince Lake Subdivision-Prince Lake Road
- 2004-19 Agreement with City of S.S.M. regarding boundary road maintenance
- 2004-20 Adopt the 2004 Accessibility Plan
- 2004-21 Zoning - Interim Control by-law concerning certain properties in the Shield Zone
- 2004-22 Adopt a policy for procurement of goods and services
- 2004-23 Adopt a hiring policy
- 2004-24 Emergency Management Program
- 2004-25 Amend 77-7 concerning 4861 Second Line West
2003 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2003-01 Agreement with S.S.M. regarding participation in Ontario Public Works
- 2003-02 Interim tax levy and penalty and interest
- 2003-03 Appoint an Auditor
- 2003-04 To prescribe the form and manner and times for the provision of notice
- 2003-05 Agreement with NOHFC Funding
- 2003-05a Agreement with S.S.M. regarding Provincial Offences Act
- 2003-06 Tax Ratios
- 2003-07 Interim tax levy and penalty and interest
- 2003-08 Authorize execution with Paul Hoogeveen and Jim Scott
- 2003-09 Agreement with S.S.M. Social Services Child Care Resource Centre services through Prince Parent-Child Resource Centre
- 2003-10 Agreement with S.S.M. PUC Services
- 2003-12 Accessibility Plan
- 2003-13 To set the date and time for advanced voting days
- 2003-14 Agreement with Fisheries & Oceans Canada
- 2003-15 Establish as a street and assume for public use part of Hill Road
- 2003-16 Stop up, close and authorize part of Hill Road
- 2003-17 Street Closing-Sale of parts of Delmar Subdivision
- 2003-18 Sale of Part 2-Hill Subdivision
2002 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2002-01 To set and levy tax rates and penalty and interest
- 2002-02 Lease agreement with Onset Capital Corporation regarding the photocopier
- 2002-03 Employment contract with Elizabeth Siegwart and Antoni Uchmanowicz
- 2002-04 Establishing tax ratios
- 2002-05 To set and levy taxes and penalty and interest
- 2002-06 Permit temporary use of land located on Gagnon Road
- 2002-07 Amend 77-7 concerning 3133 Second Line West
- 2002-08 Authorize the repair of unsafe buildings at 57-59 Hill Road
- 2002-09 Agreement with S.S.M. Social Services regarding Prince's Resource Centre
- 2002-10 Agreement with S.S.M. Social Services regarding first response with Prince Fire Department
- 2002-11 Renovations of the Community Centre
- 2002-12 Speed Limits of various roads
- 2002-13 Agreement with Municipal Property Assessment with use of Municipal Connect
- 2002-14 Agreement with NOHFC regarding funding under Northern Communities Capital Assistance Program
- 2002-15 Site plan control agreement, Gagnon Road Parcel 9115 Algoma West section
- 2002-16 Regulate the Fire Department
- 2002-17 Amend by-laws 93-8, 94-16, 96-3, & 96-14 regarding job descriptions
- 2002-18 Amend 96-2 which governs proceeding Council conduct
- 2002-19 Temporary Closing of highways for repairs
- 2002-20 To inventory and classify highways
- 2002-21 Establish and require payment of various fees and charges
2001 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2001-01 To set and levy taxes and provide for penalty and interest
- 2001-02 Agreement with Canadian Waste Services
- 2001-03 Licensing of dogs and the prohibiting the running of dogs at large
- 2001-04 Service contract with S.S.M. Social Services regarding the Resource Centre
- 2001-05 Amend 77-7 with respect 1251 Town Line
- 2001-06 Establish a Fire Department
- 2001-07 Appoint a Deputy Fire Chief
- 2001-08 Removal of Animal Excrement
- 2001-09 The protection, regulation and the use of Public Parks and Recreation Areas
- 2001-10 Establishing Tax Ratios
- 2001-11 Amend 77-7 concerning 305 Ironside Drive
- 2001-12 The placing or depositing of refuse debris of private of public property
- 2001-13 Agreement with S.S.M. Social Services Admin Board regarding First Response services
- 2001-14 Service Contract with Cheryle Errington and Allen Coletti
- 2001-15 To set and levy tax rates to further provide for penalty and interest
- 2001-16 Agreement with S.S.M. with respect to Provincial Offences Act transfer
- 2001-17 Amend 2001-15 to set alternate tax due date
- 2001-18 Authorize the repair of unsafe buildings 57-59 Hill Road
- 2001-19 Establish street and assume it for public use - Town Line
- 2001-20 Agreement with Fisheries & Oceans Canada regarding emergency repairs
- 2001-21 Agreement with Minister of Human Resources Development
2000 Prince Township By-Laws
- 2000-01 Agreement with SSM Child Care Resource Services
- 2000-02 Agreement with Human Resources Development Job Bank
- 2000-03 Agreement with Walter Parniak- encroachment
- 2000-04 Interim Tax Levy to set penalty and interest rate of 15%
- 2000-05 Agreement with SSM for boundary road maintenance
- 2000-06 Tax Levy for penalty and interest for default payment
- 2000-07 Amend Zoning by-law 77-7 for home businesses
- 2000-08 Amend Zoning by-law 77-7 for accessory buildings
- 2000-09 Establish dates and hours for advanced voting
- 2000-10 Agreement with Bell Mobility-Community Centre
- 2000-11 Agreement with Elizabeth Siegwart and Antoni Uchmanowicz
- 2000-12 Amend 77-7 focus on 30 and 42 Heywood Dr.
1999 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1999-1 Provide interim tax levy for tax payment and to provide penalty and interest of 15%
- 1999-2 Agreement with Human Resources Development Job Bank
- 1999-3 Execution between reeve-admin and Ministry of Community and Social Services
- 1999-4 Execution between reeve-admin and Ministry of Community and Social Services
- 1999-5 Appoint a Deputy Clerk
- 1999-6 Execution between Reeve-Admin and SSM Policing Services
- 1999-7 Amend 77-7 in regards to 1169 Town Line
- 1999-8 Amend 77-7 concerning Shield Zone
- 1999-9 Assume Public use of parts of Prince Lake Rd in Delmar
- 1999-10 Stop up, close and authorize sale of parts of Prince Lake Rd
- 1999-11 Set and levy tax rates to further provide penalty and interest for default payment of 1999
- 1999-12 Amend 77-7 with respect to 684 Walls Rd
- 1999-13 Execution between reeve-admin site plan control and Richard Mousseau
1998 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1998-1 Borrowing money, upon credit by obtaining loans
- 1998-2 Execution between reeve-admin and Ministry of Community and Social Services
- 1998-3 Permit Temporary use of 707 Walls Road
- 1998-4 Interim tax levy and provide penalty and interest of 15%
- 1998-5 Execution with Northern Development and Mines
- 1998-6 Execution with Northern Development and Mines
- 1998-7 Amend Zoning 77-7 concerning rural agricultural zone
- 1998-8 Development Control Agreement with 707 Walls Rd.
- 1998-9 Establish Tax Ratios
- 1998-10 To se and levy tax rates to provide penalty and interest of default of 1998
- 1998-11 Deferrals of Assessment related tax increases for low income seniors and people with disability
- 1998-12 Amend 77-7 concerning 2611 Second Line West
- 1998-13 Adopt Amendment 14 to the Official Plan 683 Town Line
- 1998-14 Amend 77-7 Concerning Rural Agricultural Zone 683 Town Line
1997 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1997-1 Borrow money, upon credit by obtaining loans
- 1997-2 Execution for amendment with Ministry of Community and Social Services
- 1997-3 Service Contract with Pitney Bowes
- 1997-4 Adopt Amendment 13 to the Official Plan Custom Workshop
- 1997-5 Amend 77-7 concerning Section 7.1 Rural Agricultural
- 1997-6 To levy on the whole ratable property according to the last revised assessment roll
- 1997-7 Appoint a Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department
- 1997-8 Amend 77-7 concerning Rural Residential Zone
- 1997-9 Establish dates and hours for advanced voting
- 1997-10 Amend 77-7 concerning summer cottage zone
- 1997-11 Agreement with WW Church of God
- 1997-12 Agreement with Peter Karg
- 1997-13 Execution with Ministry of Community and Social Services
- 1997-14 Agreement with SSM Winter Maintenance
1996 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1996-1 Borrow money, upon credit of company by obtaining loans
- 1996-2 Govern the proceedings of Council, Conduct of its members
- 1996-3 Appoint a Road Superintendent in Prince Twp
- 1996-4 Agreement with Laidlaw Waste Systems
- 1996-5 Establish a charge for issuance Sect. 408 of Municipal Act
- 1996-6 Amend Fees for Building permits-amending 73-2
- 1996-7 To levy on the whole rateable property according to last revised assessment roll
- 1996-8 Agreement with SSM-Fire Dispatch
- 1996-9 Agreement with SSM-911
- 1996-10 Agreement with Bell Mobility Cellular
- 1996-11 Royel Paving Ltd. resurfacing of Gagnon Rd.
- 1996-12 Agreement with Bell Canada for 911 Emergency Reporting service
- 1996-13 Repeal 94-2 and 94-3; Amend 77-7 with Coccimiglio property
- 1996-14 Appoint a By-law enforcement officer-Don Mousseau
- 1996-15 Extend interim control By-Law concerning Prince Lake Septic
- 1996-16 Establish a street and assume it for public use- Base Line
- 1996-17 Execution with Ministry of Community and Social Services
- 1996-18 Execution with Minitsry of Commmunity and Social Services
- 1996-19 Execution with Gary and Gwenyth Spinks
- 1996-20 Establish a street and assume it for public use-Marshall Drive
1995 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1995-01 Borrow money, upon credit of the company by obtaining loans
- 1995-02 Permit temporary use of 2611 Second Line West
- 1995-03 Approve Development Control Agreement-Wayne LeBeouf
- 1995-04 Agreement with Northern Development and Mines
- 1995-05 Establish Accumulated Sick Leave Benefits
- 1995-06 Amend 70-5 Licensing, registration running of dogs
- 1995-07 To levy on the whole rateable property according to last revised assessment roll
- 1995-08 Agreement with World Wide Church of God
- 1995-09 Agreement with Roman Catholic Diocese
- 1995-10 Temporary use of property at 826 Walls Road-Parniak Residence
- 1995-11 Agreement with Boman Construction
- 1995-12 Agreement with Nick and Cindy Parniak
- 1995-13 Agreement with Walter Parniak
- 1995-14 Permit temporary use of land-Prince Lake Road-Flag Pursuit
- 1995-15 Enact Interim Control By-Law concerning Prince Lake
- 1995-16 Agreement with SSM-Winter Control Maintenance
- 1995-17 The sale of real property owned by Prince Twp
- 1995-18 Agreement with Ministry of Community and Social Services
- 1995-19 Agreement with ADSSB
1994 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1994-01 Borrow money, upon credit of the company by obtaining loans
- 1994-02 Adopt amendment 10 to Official Plan
- 1994-03 Amend 77-7 Concerning Sect. 7.111.3 (a) Rural Agricultural
- 1994-04 Establish the Parent Child Resource Advisory board
- 1994-05 Adopt Amendment 11 to the Official Plan
- 1994-06 Amend 77-7 concerning Sect. 7.1. 2a Rural Residential Zone
- 1994-07 Street Closing-Hill Road
- 1994-08 To levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll
- 1994-09 Amend 77-7 concerning Sec. 7.1.2a Rural Residential Zone
- 1994-10 Amend 77-7 concerning Sec. 7.1.2a Rural Residential Zone
- 1994-11 Appoint a new road superintendent
- 1994-12 Amend 77-7 concerning Summer Cottage zone and Hamlet zone
- 1994-13 Adopt Amendment 12 to Official Plan
- 1994-14 Amend 77-7 concerning Sec. 7.III. 3a Rural Agricultural
- 1994-15 Establish a Fire Department
- 1994-16 Appoint a Chief Building Official
- 1994-17 Appoint a By-Law Enforcement Officer
1993 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1993-01 Borrow money, upon credit of the company by obtaining loans
- 1993-02 Vehicle parking for person with disability
- 1993-03 Adopt Amendment 8 to the Official Plan
- 1993-04 Amend 77-7 concerning Sec. 7.I. 2a Rural Residential Zone
- 1993-05 To levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll
- 1993-06 Property tax credits for the assistance of the elderly
- 1993-07 Amend 77-7 concerning sec. 7.III. 3a Rural Agricultural Zone
- 1993-08 Appoint Clerk-Treasurer to Administrator- Rachel Tyczinski
- 1993-09 Adopt Amendment 9 to Official Plan
- 1993-10 Amend 77-7 concerning Sec. 7.I. 1a Rural Residential Zone
- 1993-11 Adopt Local Plan pursuant to part VI of the Social Contract Act
- 1993-12 Agreement with Walter and Anne Praysner
- 1993-13 Agreement with Ontario Hydro
- 1993-14 Amend 77-7 with Sec.7.I.1a Rural Residential Zone
1992 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1992-01 Regulate traffic on Oak Ridge Lane-Yield Sign
- 1992-02 Appoint new Fire Chief
- 1992-03 Lift one foot reserve on West side of Douglas Drive
- 1992-04 Amend 73-2, building By-Law
- 1992-05 To levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll
- 1992-06 Temporary use of property on Prince Lake Road
- 1992-07 Regulate the storage and abandonment of unsafe boxes and containers
- 1992-08 Prohibit trucks on township roads
- 1992-09 Prohibit the stripped of topsoil in Prince Twp
- 1992-10 Permit temporary use of 2611 Second Line West
- 1992-11 Development Control Agreement with Wayne LeBoeuf
- 1992-12 Amend 77-7 concerning Sec. 7-zones and Sec. 5-General Provisions all zones
- 1992-13 Lift one foot reserve and dedicate as a public road block 25
1991 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1991-01 Borrow money, upon credit of the company by obtaining loans
- 1991-02 Govern the proceedings of Councils and Committees
- 1991-03 Regulate smoking in public areas
- 1991-04 Issues $200,000.00 for establishment of Fire department
- 1991-05 Authorize the borrowing of $150,000.00 for Fire Equipment
- 1991-07 Treasurer can deal with financial exchanges
- 1991-08 Approve development agreement with Howard Avery Const.
- 1991-09 To levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll
- 1991-10 Appoint Fire Chief
- 1991-11 Noise control By-Law
- 1991-12 Freedom of Information and Privacy Act
- 1991-13 Amend 77-7 concerning sec. 7.I Rural Residential Zone
- 1991-14 Adopt amendment 6 to Official Plan
- 1991-15 Noise control By-Law
- 1991-16 Number of lots and buildings on streets within Prince
- 1991-17 District Emergency Fire Service Plan and Program
- 1991-18 To set date and time of inaugural council meeting
- 1991-19 set speed limit on Marshall Drive to 40km per hr
- 1991-20Enact interim control By-Law concerning accessory buildings
1990 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1990-01 Amend 82-8 Prince Lake Rd. Max Vehicle Weight 5000Kg
- 1990-02 Repeal By-Law 86-17 throwing of debris on private property
- 1990-03 to Prohibit Parking
- 1990-04 Adopt amendment 6 to Official Plan
- 1990-05 To levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll
- 1990-06 To repeal 90-4, Amendment 6 repealed
- 1990-07 Adopt amendment 6 to Official Plan
- 1990-08 Authorize the borrowing of $50,000.00 for municipal expenditures
- 1990-09 Establish and regulate a Fire Department
- 1990-10 Amend 77-7 concerning Sec. 7 IV. Hamlet Zone
- 1990-11 Amend 70-5 licensing, registration running of dogs
1989 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1989-01 Provide for the licensing of lotteries
- 1989-02 To levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll
- 1989-03 To regulate traffic in the Aforesaid Township
- 1989-04 Authorizing speed limit on Prince Lake Rd. and Gagnon Rd.
- 1989-05 Permit Temporary use of 2611 Second Line West
- 1989-06 Adopt staff training and development policy
- 1989-07 Development control agreement with Wayne LeBoeuf
- 1989-08 Use of English as official language in Prince Twp
- 1989-09 Charge for the issuance of statements of Arrears under section 408
- 1989-10 Appoint a road superintendant in Prince Twp
1988 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1988-01 Authorizing the borrowing of $25, 000.00 for municipal expenditures
- 1988-02 To levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll
- 1988-03 Amend 77-7, Sec. 7-Animals
- 1988-04 Adopt amendment 4 to Official Plan
- 1988-05 Amend 77-7, Pozzebon property on Second Line
- 1988-06 Amend 77-7, Reed property on Base Line
- 1988-07 Amend 77-7, Sharpe property on Second Line
- 1988-08 Authorize the borrowing of $50 ,000.00 for municipal expenditures
1987 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1987-01 Establish a public library
- 1987-02 To levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll
- 1987-03 Prohibit unusual noise or noise likely to disturb the inhabitants of Prince Twp
- 1987-04 Amend 77-7, Tarabus property on Town Line
- 1987-05 Amend By-Law 70-5 for licensing dogs-missing
- 1987-06 Amend 77-7, Dearing Property at corner Deans Rd. and Second Line
- 1987-07 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25, 000.00 for municipal expenditures
1986 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1986-01 Agreement with Maurice and Susan Plante
- 1986-02 Purchase Southwest Quarter of Section 26
- 1986-03 Amend Zoning By-law 77-7 concerning fences, obnoxious noise, etc
- 1986-04 Amend Zoning By-Law 77-7 concerning definitions
- 1986-05 Adopt Amendment 3 to Official Plan
- 1986-06 Appoint a Chief Building Official
- 1986-07 Appoint a Plumbing Inspector
- 1986-08 To Levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll
- 1986-09 Amend By-Law 73-2 Plumbing and demolition permits
- 1986-10 Amend By-law 77-4 Moto Vehicles by-laws
- 1986-11 Littering and Disposing of dirt, filth, glass, and other rubbish
- 1986-12 Designate 3042 Second Line West (museum) as historical value and interest
- 1986-13 Amend 77-7 concerning Sharpe property off Second Line
- 1986-14 Amend 77-7 concerning Cress property off Tower Road
- 1986-15 Adopt Amendment 4 to Official Plan
- 1986-16 amend 77-7 concerning Simek Subdivision
- 1986-17 Littering and Disposing of dirt, filth, glass and other rubbish
- 1986-18 Erection of signs and other advertisements
- 1986-19 Establish the office of the Township Administrator
- 1986-20 Designate persons authorized to sign cheques issued by municipality
- 1986-21 Establish the office of the Township Administrator
- 1986-22 Authorize the borrowing of $15,000.00 for municipal expenditures
1985 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1985-01 Charge for the Issuance of statements of Arrears under Section 408 of Municipal Act
- 1985-02 Appoint an auditor for the Twp of Prince
- 1985-03 Amend By-law 75-6 concerning the composition of the recreation committee
- 1985-04 To levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll
- 1985-05 To appoint road supervisor in the Twp of Prince
- 1985-06 Reimbursement of expenses to members of Council, Officers and Servants of Twp
- 1985-07 To set remuneration rates for Councilors and other persons
- 1985-09 Adopt Amendment 1 to Official Plan
- 1985-10 Amend 77-7 concerning Simek property on Town Line
- 1985-11 Grant powers to Committee of Adjustment
- 1985-12 Amend 77-7 concerning Mueller property on Lake Superior
- 1985-13 Authorize an Agreement with Robert A. Dale
- 1985-14 Adopt Amendment 2 to Official Plan
- 1985-15 Committee of Adjustment for Twp of Prince
- 1985-16 To Amend 78-10 dealing with Algoma Health Unit
1984 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1984-01 Appoint a Chief Building Official for the enforcement of Building Code Act 1980
- 1984-02 Appoint By-law Enforcement Officer
- 1984-03 To levy on the whole rateable property the amount required for General Municipal Expense Purposes and Education Expenses for the year 1984
- 1984-04 Constitute a Committee of Adjustment for Twp of Prince
- 1984-05 To amend 77-7 concerning Civic Number 3389 Second Line West (RA.S #545 tack shop permitted)
- 1984-06 To Amend Township of Prince By-law 73-2
- 1984-07 To amend by-law #70-5 being a By-law for licensing dogs, for requiring the registration of dogs and for prohibiting the at large of dogs - missing
- 1984-08 By-law to establish a trust fund for the purposes of the Ontario Home Renewal Program
1983 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1983-01 Constitute and Appoint a Committee of Adjustment for Twp of Prince
- 1983-02 To license, regulate and govern vehicles from which refreshment are sold for consumption by the public
- 1983-03 To levy on the whole rateable property the amount required for General Municipal expense purposes and Education Expenses for the year 1983
- 1983-04 To amend 75-3 concerning salary
- 1983-05 Regulate the installation of culverts
- 1983-06 Official Plan Adoption
- 1983-07 To establish the tennis court as a Community Recreation Centre
- 1983-08 To establish the Gros Cap Athletic Field as a Community Centre
- 1983-09 To establish a Public Library
1982 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1982-02 To amend Township of Prince Zoning By-law 77-7 (McAuliffe) (Ice Plant expansion)
- 1982-03 To designate parcel 3475 AWS and north part Lot 19, Plan M-135 as an area of site plan control - ice plant
- 1982-04 To constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment
- 1982-05 To provide for a penalty for non-payment of taxes and for interest on arrears of taxes
- 1982-06 To amend zoning 77-7 concerning 2667 Second Line West (permit gas bar)
- 1982-07 To designate an area of site plan control (2667 2nd Line W)
- 1982-08 To provide for half-loading regulation on township roads
- 1982-09 To amend 77-7 concerning Amadio property (Gagnon Rd)
- 1982-10 To amend 77-7 concerning the Pozzebon property on the extension of Airport Road (North Airport Rd Roll #253)
- 1982-11 To adopt a Tax Collection Policy
- 1982-12 To levy on the whole rateable property the amount required for General Municipal Expense purposes and Education Expense for the year 1982)
- 1982-13 To assign a new name to North Gros Cap Road in the Township of Prince (to Marshall Drive)
- 1982-14 To Amend 77-7 (P.U.X. pumping station and water tower locations)
- 1982-15 To set a date and time for the first council meeting after a regular election
- 1982-16 To regulate traffic in the Township (Stop signs on Ironside Dr.)
- 1982-17 To increase the rate of interest on tax arrears
1981 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1981-01 To authorize the establishment of an interim tax billing system
- 1981-02 To Amend 78-6 Tax Assistance
- 1981-03 To regulate the construction of fences surrounding private outdoor swimming pools
- 1981-04 To levy on the whole rateable property the amount required for General Municipal Expense and Educational purposes
- 1981-05 To amend 70-5 being a By-law for licensing dogs, registration of dogs and prohibiting the running at large of dogs
- 1981-06 To deem registered plan not to be registered (lots 18-19 M1 35 Pcl 3465 aws)
- 1981-07 To Amend 77-7 concerning the schedule (ice plant #394 #395)
- 1981-08 To prohibit the keeping of certain kinds of animals
1980 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1980-01 To Amend 77-7 Walls Subd. Pt. N.W. .25 Sec 35
- 1980-02 To repeal by-law 79-11
- 1980-03 To authorize the borrowing of $10, 000.00
- 1980-04 To Amend by-law 73-2-expiring of building permits after 18 months
- 1980-05 To levy the amount required for general purposes and educational purposes for the year 1980
- 1980-06 To Amend the fees for building permits
- 1980-07 To constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment
- 1980-08 To provide for the preservation and destruction of records
- 1980-09 To regulate the installation of culverts
- 1980-10 To assume access to water (lane) Cress Subdivision between #342 # 344
- 1980-11 To constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment
1979 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1979-02 To Amend Township of Prince Zoning By-law No. 77-7 (see also 79-8, 79-9)
- 1979-03 To authorize the borrowing of $15, 000.00
- 1979-04 To levy the amount required for general municipal expense purposes in the year 1979 and for educational purposes for 1979
- 1979-05 To establish an Architectural conservation Advisory Committee and provide for the appointment of members thereto (LACAC)
- 1979-06 To repeal by-law 78-9
- 1979-07 To repeal by-law 79-1
- 1979-08 To Amend Township of Prince Zoning By-law 78-5 that amended zoning By-law 77-7
- 1979-09 To Amend 78-5 which amends 77-7
- 1979-12 To provide for 2 installments and increase penalty charges
- 1979-13 To constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment
1978 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1978-01 To Appoint Committee of Adjustment
- 1978-02 To regulate traffic-Stop sign at Walls Road and Deans Road
- 1978-03 To repeal by-law 338 (licensing)
- 1978-04 To authorize the borrowing of $ 15,000.00
- 1978-05 To Amend by-law 77-7
- 1978-06 To authorize residential real property tax credits for the assistance of elderly residents
- 1978-07 To Amend by-law 77-7 concerning part 2, IR Plan 2950 (Airways Store property)
- 1978-08 To levy the amount required for general municipal expense purposes in the year 1978 and for education purposes for 1978
- 1978-09 To Amend By-law 77-7 concerning part of the SE .25 Section 25 Township of Prince
- 1978-10 Schedule A to By-Law 394 concerning the District Health Unit
- 1978-11 To authorize the pulling down at the expenses of the owner of an unsafe building located in Pt. SW .25 Section 32 (roll # 448)
- 1978-12 To set a date and time of the first council meeting after a Regular Election
- 1978-13 To constitute and appoint Committee of Adjustment
1977 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1977-01 To constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment
- 1977-02 To appoint a Road Superintendent
- 1977-03 To levy the amount required for municipal expense and education purposes for 1977
- 1977-04 Noise Control
- 1977-05 To Amend by-law 70-6 (trailers) NOT PASSED
- 1977-06 To regulate traffic with Stop sign on Gagnon Road
- 1977-07 Zoning By-Law
- 1977-08 To appoint chief building official (Caughill)
- 1977-09 To name Deans Road
1976 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1976-01 To authorize the borrowing of $15,000.00
- 1976-02 To set a date and time of the first Council meeting to be held in 1976
- 1976-03 To assign names to certain streets (Pinder Dr, Old Gros Cap Rd, Douglas Dr, Marshall Rd, Heywood Rd)
- 1976-04 To provide for the numbering of lots and buildings
- 1976-05 To acquire lands for the purpose of opening and making highways (Pt 1. 1R-2539, Pt Red Rock Rd)
- 1976-06 To designate Municipal Building property as a Community Centre (Gros Cap)
- 1976-07 To Amend Prince Township By-law No. 383 concerning lands located on Harper St (Commercial designation)
- 1976-08 To set a date and time of the first Council Meeting to be held in 1977
1975 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1975-01 To constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment
- 1975-02 To open a highway south 33 ft SW .25 sec 17 Northerly 33 ft. NW .25 19
- 1975-03 To appoint a Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collector
- 1975-04 To authorize participation in O.M.E.R.S
- 1975-05 To levy on the whole rateable property amount for municipal expense and educational purposes
- 1975-06 To establish a Municipal Recreation Committee
- 1975-07 To constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment
- 1975-08 To set a date and time of the first Council meeting to be held in 1976
1974 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1974-01 To constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment
- 1974-02 General Municipal Expense and Educational Levy
- 1974-03 To Provide Reduction on 1974 Taxes re Unconditional Grant
- 1974-04 Authorizing Speed Limit on Walls Road (35 mileshr)
- 1974-05 To Authorize separate ballots for Reeve and Councilors
- 1974-06 To set a date and time of the first council meeting to be held in 1975
1973 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1973-01 To constitute and appoint Committee of Adjustment
- 1973-02 Regulate erection of buildings and adopt the National Building Code of Canada
- 1973-03 General Municipal Expense and Educational Levy By-law 1973
- 1973-04 To provide reduction on 1973 Taxes re Unconditional Grant
- 1973-05 To set a date and time of first council meeting of 1974
1972 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1972-01 To establish a Community Centre at Gros Cap
- 1972-02 Appoint a Committee of Adjustments
- 1972-03 General Municipal Expense and Educational Levy By-law 1972
- 1972-04 to provide reduction on 1972 Taxes re Unconditional Grant
- 1972-05 To set a date and time for first council meeting of 1973
1971 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1971-01 To establish sick leave
- 1971-02 Road expenditure $9,000.00
- 1971-03 General Municipal Expense and Educational Levy
- 1971-04 To provide reduction on 1971 taxes re unconditional grant
- 1971-05 To legalize the holding of a nomination meeting and election and for the Twp of Prince to be held in 1971 for the years 1972-73
- 1971-06 To set a date and time of the first council meeting
1970 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1970-01 Road expenditures $8,000.00
- 1970-02 To levy 1970 taxes for General Municipal and Educational Expenses
- 1970-03 To provide reduction on 1970 Taxes re unconditioned grant
- 1970-04 Respecting payment of taxes
- 1970-05 The licensing dogs, for requiring the registration of dogs and for prohibiting the running at large of dogs
- 1970-06 To prohibit the use of trailers for living, sleeping or eating accommodations within the twp.
- 1970-07 To control the installation, construction and operation of septic tank sewage disposal systems
- 1970-08 To provide supplementary road expenditures for 1970
- 1970-09 To authorize the erection of a stop sign at the Northeast corner of Base Line and Walls Road
- 1970-10 To set date and time of first council meeting to be held in 1971
1969 Prince Township By-Laws
- 1969-01 Road Expenditures $8,000.00
- 1969-02 To Appoint Committee of Adjustment members
- 1969-03 To Levy 1969 Taxes-Gen and Schools
- 1969-04 Provide Reduction on 1969 Taxes to unconditional grant
- 1969-05 Appoint By-Law Enforcement Officer
- 1969-06 Nomination of Reeve and Council
- 1969-07 Authorize first council meeting of 1970
Pre-1969 Prince Township By-Laws
- 352 The borrowing of money to meet current expenditures (1964)
- 353 Road Expenditure (1964)
- 354 Building Regulations (1964)
- 355 Debenture $71,500 for Prince Public School (1964)
- 360 The borrowing of money to meet the current expenditures (1965)
- 362 Road Expenditure (1065)
- 363 Dog Licenses (1965)
- 364 Appoint Committee of Adjustment (1965)
- 366 Provide two year term for Council and Trustees (1965)
- 367 Appoint District Assessor (1965)
- 369 Regulating the filling, draining, cleaning and clearing of vacant lots (1965)
- 370 The borrowing of money to meet the current expenditures (1966)
- 371 To establish a District Welfare Administration Board (1966)
- 373 Road Expenditure (1966)
- 375 Supplementary Road expenditure (1966)
- 376 Road Expenditure (1967)
- 377 The prohibition of dumping or littering (1967)
- 378 Authorize municipal and school tax credits for the elderly (1967)
- 379 To provide for the return of the Census Registrar (1967)
- 380 Authorize debenture for two room addition to School (1967)
- 381 Nomination of Council and Trustees (1967)
- 382 Temporary borrowing of money for school until debenture is available (1967)
- 383 Zoning By-Law of Prince Township (1967)
- 384 Repeal by-law 380 (1967)
- 385 Debenture for school purposes (1967)
- 386 to establish a Community Center at Gros Caps (1968)
- 387 Regulating the Erection of Signs (1968)
- 388 Road Expenditure (1968)
- 389 Authorize the borrowing of money to meet the current expenditures (1968)
- 390 Respecting the payment of taxes and interest charges (1968)
- 391 To levy taxes for general, municipal, and school expenditures (1968)
- 392 To provide reduction on 1968 taxes re-unconditional grant (1968)
- 393 Authorize Liquor vote on September 11 1968 (1968)
- 394 Authorize agreement for creation of district health unit (1968)
- 395 Appointment of Road Superintendant (1968)
- 396 To regulate horses (1968)
- 397 To repeal by-law 395 - appointment of road superintendant (1968)
- 398 To re-appoint road superintendant (1968)
- 399 Supplementary Road expenditure (1968)
- 400 To authorize first council meeting (1968)
- 254 Taillifer Road (1951-1952)
- 281 Appointment of Officers (1957)
- 282 Road Expenditures (1957)
- 283 Levy Rates and Tax Collector (1957)
- 284 Line Fenced Act (1957)
- 285 Election (1958)
- 286 Appointment of Officers (1958)
- 288 Road Expenditures (1958)
- 289 Application for Addition on Gros Cap Public School (1958)
- 290 Highway Littering (1958)
- 291 Issuing Building Permits (1958)
- 292 Supersede & re-enact By-Law 276 (1958)
- 293 Levy Rates & Tax Collector (1958)
- 294 Election (1958)
- 295 Historical Information Only (1958)
- 296 Fire Arm (1958)
- 297 Borrowing for Gros Cap Public School (1959)
- 298 Appointment of Officers (1959)
- 299 License House Trailers or Vehicles Used for Living (1959)
- 300 Road Expenditures (1959)
- 301 Appointment of Roads Superintendent (1959)
- 302 Amend By-Law 299 (1959)
- 303 Accumulation of Rubbish (1959)
- 304 Levy Rate & Tax Collector (1959)
- 305 Establish Community Center (1959)
- 306 Election (1959)
- 307 Entering into an Agreement with Township of Korah Regarding Boundaries (1959)
- 308 Entering into and the Execution of an Agreement with the LLBO (1959)
- 309 Appointment of Officers (1960)
- 310 Road Expenditures (1960)
- 312 Designate an Area of Subdivision Control (1960)
- 313 Levy Rate & Tax Collector (1960)
- 314 Borrowing for Gros Cap Public School Addition (1960)
- 315 Authorizing Gros Cap Public School Addition (1960)
- 316 Respecting Noises (1960)
- 317 Respecting the Preservation of Residential Areas (1960)
- 318 Election (1960)
- 319 Appointment of Officer (1961)
- 320 Repealing By-Law 317 (1961)
- 321 Appointment of Clerk (1961)
- 322 Road Expenditure (1961)
- 324 Cress Subdivision (1961)
- 325 Repealing By-Law 291 (1961)
- 326 Regulations of Dwellings (1961)
- 327 Appointment of Assessor (1961)
- 328 Borrowing (1961)
- 329 Appointment of Roads Superintendent (1961)
- 330 Elections (1961)
- 331 Extension of Time to Return the Assessment Roll (1961)
- 332 Bell Telephone (1961)
- 333 Existing Forced Road (1961)
- 334 Election (1962)
- 335 Borrowing (1962)
- 336 Road Expenditures (1962)
- 337 Appointment of Officers (1962)
- 340 Extension Time to Return Assessment Roll (1962)
- 341 Railway (1961-1962)
- 344 Borrowing (1963)
- 346 Election (1963)
- 347 Road Expenditures (1963)
- 348 Extension Time to Return Assessment Roll (1963)